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An imaginary world

This piece is as one of 4 winners of OPEN CALL HALLOWEEN AUSTRALIA by Artcrush Gallery and has been showcased over 500 Billboard on the streets of Melbourne Australia: " @bettynajafi unveils a rare and unsettling spectacle: zombie dromedaries trampling the populace, guided by a ribbon-wrapped man, slightly dazed with frightening eyes. It's a vibrant piece, yet tinged with an spooky aura. Could it be a spooky remake of Lawrence of Arabia, perhaps?"

This piece is as one of 4 winners of OPEN CALL HALLOWEEN AUSTRALIA by Artcrush Gallery and has been showcased over 500 Billboard on the streets of Melbourne Australia:
 " @bettynajafi unveils a rare and unsettling spectacle: zombie dromedaries trampling the populace, guided by a ribbon-wrapped man, slightly dazed with frightening eyes. It's a vibrant piece, yet tinged with an spooky aura. Could it be a spooky remake of Lawrence of Arabia, perhaps?"